The participants of the School of Applied Research in Public Procurement of Central Asia decided to immediately put their knowledge into practice and helped the local authorities to find risky purchases and prevent the possibility of inefficient use of funds.
The School of Applied Research is an annual project of the Social Innovation in Central Asia program implemented by the Eurasia Foundation with the support of USAID. This year, our organization has become a partner, and the School itself is entirely dedicated to public procurement and strengthening the capacity of the civil sector in reforming this area.
Among the participants of the program there are two professors of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Serik Jumabayev and Raushan Dulambaeva. As part of the course, they received access to the system of public procurement risk indicators from the team of Vitaliy Trenkenshu - by the way, one of the winners of the Open Contracting Innovation Challenge and also a participant in the School.
The professors decided to analyze risky purchases in one of the rural districts, but also to share this information with the local authorities. As a result, the akim of the Kamyskalinsky district of the Isatai district (Atyrau region) made appropriate adjustments to the public procurement plans at the planning stage, they made it possible to conduct more efficient purchases. In the field, the proposed approaches to planning and risk analysis can be used in the work and bring practical benefits.
Participants of the School of Applied Research immediately find real applications for their knowledge - and this is one of the priorities of our educational programs.
Source: OpenContracting